
Individual Therapy

Individuals seek therapy for a wide range of reasons. Some are seeking to make sense of things that have happened to them in the past. Others want to learn how to deal with issues they are currently facing. Whilst others want guidance and help in maintaining personal growth and healthy relationships in their lives.

This process of engaging in meaningful self-exploration creates empowerment to face the challenges presented to us in different facets of life. Creating a congruence between our inner experiences and outward expressions creates feeling of authenticity.

At Harmony Family Therapy, we guide our clients through this process with sensitivity and understanding. We focus on helping you find solutions that best meet your needs through giving the right amount of support and insight to make better choices for your life.

Since individuals come with different needs, we use an integrative approach to therapy, which is a combination of different therapeutic tools and approaches to best fit your needs. Some of the therapeutic approaches we use include:

– Cognitive-behavioural therapies (CBT)
– Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT)
– Internal Family Systems (IFS)
– ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
– Psycho-education
– Problem solving skills and training
– Stress management
– Anger management
– Trauma-informed care and practice
– Holistic approach looking at all aspects of a person’s life
– Narrative therapy

Family Therapy

Family therapy is used to improve relationships and create stronger bonds of connection between family members. It involves counseling multiple family members together. This may be a couple, parents and a child, multiple members from a blended family, or even several generations together.

Family therapists use a systemic lens to view the family. Attention is focused on connections and relationships, rather than individual characteristics, with the notion that “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts”.

Rather than seeing the problem arising from one individual member, the therapist engages with the whole family as a functioning unit, looking at personal relationships and interactional patterns, assisting the family in finding and changing unhealthy patterns of behaviour and interaction which may have developed over time.

During therapy, family members are given the space to explore difficult thoughts and emotions in a safe and non-judgemental environment, in order to better understand each other’s perspectives and make the necessary changes to create better dynamics at home.

Whilst family therapy involves the family group, it can include separate sessions with individual family members from time to time.

It is useful for a diverse set of situations including parents who may be struggling with their child or teenager, couples who are experiencing communication difficulties, conflict, betrayal or would simply like to strengthen their bonds of love and connection.

The ultimate goal of family therapy is to improve connection, build on strengths and help families bring joy and love back into their relationships.